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We helped our customer save $491,200 over 11 years by retrofitting their parking lot lights from 480W HID to 250W LED. The light levels increased by a multiple of 4!
Employees feel the property looks cleaner, safer and the security team can actually see the parking lot through their security cameras!
LED Light Technology proposed to convert existing fluorescent tubes to LLT Plug and Play PLUS LED tubes. The new LED tubes will operate with most ballasts, but do not require a ballast and light levels thus when the ballast fails the fixtures can utilize the LLT Plug and Play PLUS LED Tubes.
The proposed payback period was only six months. After a rebate from San Francisco Energy Watch was applied towards the capital expense, the payback period was less than ten weeks. The capital expense to convert the parking garage was approximately $5,400. Installation of the LED tubes was on a one-for-one basis and no new conduit or wiring was required to install the new, innovative Plug and Play Plus LED tubes.
Because of their interest in lowering their operating expenses, improving the overall quality of the store lighting, and realizing the benefits of the very long rated life of LED Light Technology’s LED tubes, the owners of the Red Apple Market considered a financial scenario that would produce an immediate 45% reduction in lighting power consumption, reduce maintenance expenses, lower their carbon footprint, and improve the lighting in the store.
“LED Light Technology converted our store to LED light tubes which made an amazing difference in our store by making it much brighter than the old fluorescent type tubes. This conversion will save us a tremendous amount of time, labor and electrical energy. With more than half of the lights on 24 hours a day this will save us a lot on our energy bills each month. We are very happy with the new lights and wonder why we did not do this sooner,” said Rod Pincumbe, The UPS Store 2059, Johns Creek, Georgia.
LED Light Technology produced a 86% reduction in the electrical load for the business’ incandescent lighting and lowered their carbon footprint by 89%.
Challenge: Convert the incandescent lighting in a premier coffee shop to energy efficient A19 LED bulbs from LED Light Technology.
Solution: New LED bulbs from LED Light Technology reduced annual power consumption by 86%
Result: An 89% reduction of overall lighting expense, a ROI that was over 1,200% and savings of over $1,000 per year.
Art Gallery UpgradesIncandescent Lighting To LED
Existing halogen bulbs failed too often, over-heated the gallery and produced UV light, which can create surface heating and can damage fine art. LED Light Technology was able to remedy these issues.
Challenge: Convert the incandescent lighting in an art gallery to energy efficient, PAR20 and PAR30, LED bulbs from LED Light Technology.
Solution: New LED bulbs from LED Light Technology reduced annual power consumption by 61%
Result: A dramatic reduction of overall lighting expense, a ROI that was 3,800% and overall savings of over$2,300 per year.
San Ramon Soccer Complex
LED Light Technology proposed to convert the incandescent, high bay fixtures to high bay LED fixtures. The new LED fixtures do not contain a ballast and light levels were projected to increase significantly because all of the light from the LED fixtures would be directed towards the facility floor.
The proposed payback period was 23 months. All maintenance expenses and labor would be eliminated for over 37 years. The total capital expense to convert the indoor soccer facility was approximately $13,000. Installation of most of the LED fixtures was on a one-for-one basis and no new conduit or wiring was required to install the LED tubes.
The Result:
Over $210,000 in total savings.
Electricity savings of over $5,000 per year (20,694 kWh/Yr).
Over $5,800 in annual savings. Eliminated maintenance expenses and labor.
Increase in light levels.
Owner’s return on investment of 1632%
Carnegie Jewelers Saves More Than $26,599.25 by installing LED Light Technology's PAR 38 lamps
Carnegie Jewelers replaced a total of 90,900W Par38 incandescent bulbs with 90, 15W LED Par38 bulbs. The simple bulb change delivered immediate savings by reducing energy costs, eliminating maintenance and reduced
The initial purchase for 90 LED bulbs was $1,808.00 including Energy Incentives of $592.00. The building owner will save a total of nearly $26,599.25 over the useful life of 50,000 hours or 11.4 years of the LED bulbs. The LED bulbs come on instantly, are dimmable and the light generated makes it a bright and comfortable office environment. In addition they are installing LED Par20 bulbs for additional savings and positive environmental impact.
Carnegie Jewelers Installs LED PAR20
Carnegie Jewelers replaced a total of 17,500W Par20 incandescent bulbs with 17, 8W LED Par20 bulbs. The simple bulb change delivered immediate savings by reducing energy costs, eliminating maintenance and reduced HVAC load.
The initial purchase for 90 LED bulbs was $537.20 including Energy Incentives of $142.80. The building owner will save a total of nearly $10,424.13 over the useful life of 50,000 hours or 11.4 years of the LED bulbs. The LED bulbs come on instantly, are dimmable and the light generated makes it a bright and comfortable office environment. In addition they are installing LED Par38 bulbs for additional savings and positive environmental impact.
This installation resulted in 9,800 annual power savings, an of ROI of 2308%, no maintenance, and overall savings of over $75,000.
Challenge: Convert fluorescent tubes to energy efficient LED tubes from LED Light Technology.
Solution: LED tubes reduced annual power consumption by 77% and paid for themselves in less than 3 months.
Result: $9,800 annual power savings, an of ROI of 2308%, no maintenance, and overall savings of over $75,000.
Casino Utilizes LED Lighting, SavesBig!
Each table consumed 135 watts of power and bulbs alone were costing the casino about $300 per month. LED Light Technology produces a 82% reduction in the electrical load for the blackjack table.
Challenge: Convert the incandescent lighting in a 24/7 casino to PAR 20, energy efficient LED bulbs from LED Light Technology.
Solution: New LED bulbs from LED Light Technology reduced annual power consumption by 82%
Result: An 82% reduction of overall lighting expense, a ROI that was over 500% and overall savings of almost $2,000 per year.
LED tubes reduced annual power consumption by 77% and paid for themselves in less than 3 months.
Challenge: Convert fluorescent tubes to energy efficient LED tubes from LED Light Technology to test LED lighting technology.
Solution: New LED tubes reduced annual power consumption by 82%and paid for themselves in 19 months.
Result: Dramatic reduction of operating expenses, an ROI of 511%, no maintenance for almost ten years, and overall savings of over $31,000 per year.
LED Light Tech offered to convert 95 watt fixtures to 36 watts using LED bulbs that consume only 18 watts each. The life of the bulbs would increase from approximately 10,000 hours to 50,000 hours or more than 11 years.
LED Light Tech offered to convert his 95 watt fixtures to 36 watts using LED bulbs that consume only 18 watts each. The life of the bulbs would increase from approximately 10,000 hours to 50,000 hours or more than 11 years.
The Cigar Merchants total estimated savings is $9,870 over 11.7 years. They received a simple payback of 0.63 years.
he old bulbs failed too often and over-heated the store during the summer months. In addition, the old bulbs would change color as they aged, which is not good for multi-colored, retail displays. LED Light Technology proposed to convert the store’s existing bulbs to Energy Star, PAR30 LED bulbs, from LED Light Technology. The rated life of the bulbs would increase from 2,000 hours to 50,000 hours or more than 18 years.
Challenge: Convert the incandescent lighting in a clothing store to energy efficient LED bulbs from LED Light Technology.
Solution: New LED bulbs from LED Light Technology reduced annual power consumption by 70%
Result: A dramatic reduction of overall lighting expense, a ROI that was 2,500%, no new bulbs for 18 years, and overall savings of over $4,000 per year.
LED Light Technology proposed to convert the metal-halide bulbs to PAR30 LED bulbs, from LED Light Technology, and eliminate the existing ballasts. The rated life of the bulbs would increase from 20,000 hours to 50,000 hours or almost 12 years.
Challenge: Convert the metal-halide light bulb in each bollard to energy efficient LED bulbs from LED Light Technology.
Solution: New LED bulbs from LED Light Technology reduced annual power consumption by 83% and paid for themselves in 6 months.
Result: A dramatic reduction of overall lighting expense, a ROI of 1909%, no new bulbs or maintenance for almost 12 years, and overall annual savings of over $1,300.
The CFL bulbs failed too often and replacement bulbs were a different in color. Additionally, the CFL bulbs would change color as they aged, which reduced the quality of the lighting in the hallways. LEDs resulted in a dramatic reduction of overall lighting expense, a ROI of 317%, no new bulbs or maintenance for almost 6 years, and overall savings of over$24,000.
Challenge: Convert the CFL light bulbs in the hallways to energy efficient LED bulbs from LED Light Technology.
Solution: New LED bulbs from LED Light Technology reduced annual power consumption by 43% and paid for themselves in les than 9 months.
Result: A dramatic reduction of overall lighting expense, a ROI of 317%, no new bulbs or maintenance for almost 6 years, and overall savings of over$24,000.
A dramatic reduction of overall lighting expense, a ROI that was 1,031%, no new bulbs for 16 years, and overall savings of over $4,700 per year.
Challenge: Convert the incandescent lighting in a furniture showroom to energy efficient, PAR38, LED bulbs from LED Light Technology.
Solution: New LED bulbs from LED Light Technology reduced annual power consumption by 80%
New LED bulbs from LED Light Technology reduced annual power consumption by 75%
Challenge: Convert the incandescent lighting in a small retail business to energy efficient, PAR30, LED bulbs from LED Light Technology.
Solution: New LED bulbs from LED Light Technology reduced annual power consumption by 75%
Result: A reduction of overall lighting expense that was almost 90%, a ROI that was over 3,000% and overall savings of over $2,000 per year.
A dramatic reduction of overall lighting expense, a ROI of 2696%, no new bulbs or maintenance for years, and payback in approximately 80 days.
Challenge: Convert the light bulbs in the restaurant to energy efficient LED bulbs from LED Light Technology.
Solution: New LED bulbs from LED Light Technology reduced lighting power consumption by 87% and paid for themselves in less than 3 months.
Result: A dramatic reduction of overall lighting expense, a ROI of 2696%, no new bulbs or maintenance for years, and overall annual savings of over $2,800.
Poker Tables Go Green With LED Light Technology
Each table consumed 180 watts of power and bulbs alone were costing the casino about $300 per month. LED Light Technology produces a 82% reduction in the electrical load
Challenge: Convert the incandescent lighting in a 24/7 casino to PAR20, energy efficient LED bulbs from LED Light Technology.
Solution: New LED bulbs from LED Light Technology reduced annual power consumption by 82%
Result: An 82% reduction of overall lighting expense, a ROI that was over 500% and overall savings of over
$1,000 per year.
LED Light Technology's LED tubes reduced annual power consumption by 83% and paid for themselves in 12 months.
Challenge: Convert incandescent bulbs to energy efficient LED bulbs from LED Light Technology to save energy and improve shop temperature control.
Solution: New LED tubes reduced annual power consumption by 83%and paid for themselves in 12 months.
Result: Dramatic reduction of operating expenses, an ROI of 1792%, no maintenance for at least 9 years (much longer in other areas), and overall savings of over $1,000 per year.